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PUBLICATIONSBooksPractical Grammar Teaching for the Second Language Classroom, (edited), Routledge (2025) 318 pp. Handbook of Practical Second Language Teaching and Learning, 1st Edition, (edited),Routledge (2023) 540 pp. Teaching Academic L2 Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and Grammar, revised, updated, and expanded edition, Routledge (2020) 484 pp. Teaching Essential Units of Language: Beyond Single-word vocabulary, (edited), Routledge (2019) 218 pp. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 3, (edited), Routledge (2017), 507 pp. Teaching English Grammar to Speakers of Other Languages, (edited), Routledge (2016), 272 pp. Effective Curriculum for Teaching Second Language Writing, Routledge (2015), 310 pp. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 2, (edited), Routledge (2011) 1,010 pp. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, (edited), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2005) 1,250 pp. Teaching Academic ESL Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and Grammar, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2004) 360 pp. TOEFL Strategies. 3rd ed., Barron's Educational Series, (1994/1998/2004) 469 pp. Second Language Writers' Text: Linguistic and Rhetorical Features, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2002) 370 pp. New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms, (co-edited with Sandra Fotos), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2002) 272 pp. Korean translation published by Hankook Munhwasa (2011). Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning, (edited), Cambridge University Press, (1999) 250 pp. Chinese translation published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (2001). Korean translation published by Hankook Munhwasa (2007). Russian Vocabulary, 2nd ed., Barron's Educational Series, (1993/2008) 330 pp. Russian on Location, Barron's Educational Series, (1995) 122 pp. Russian Fundamentals, Barron's Educational Series, (1992) 107 pp. Articles and Book ChaptersTeaching strategies and techniques: collocations and multiword units. In E. Hinkel, (Ed), Teaching Essential Units of Language: Beyond Single-word vocabulary, Routledge, (2019) 107-133. Introduction: A short preamble: a bit of history in the life of phrases and multiword units. In E. Hinkel, (Ed), Teaching Essential Units of Language: Beyond Single-word vocabulary, Routledge, (2019) 1-16. Language teaching curricula. In J. Hattie & E. Anderman (Eds.), International Guide to Student Achievement. Routledge, (2nd ed., invited), (in press). Teaching idiomatic expressions and phrases: Insights and techniques. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 5/3 (Special Issue, invited) (2017) 45-59 Entry: Current trends and future directions in ELT: Teaching and learning formulaic sequences and prefabs. In J. Liontas, (Ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley, (2018, invited, forthcoming). Prioritizing Grammar to Teach or Not to Teach: A Research Perspective. In E. Hinkel, (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 3. Routledge, (2017) 369-383. Introduction: Political Impacts on Language Teaching and Learning. In E. Hinkel, (Ed), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 3. Routledge, (2017) viii - xvi. Practical grammar teaching: Grammar constructions and their relatives. In E. Hinkel, (Ed.), Teaching English Grammar to Speakers of Other Languages, (edited). Routledge (2016) 171-191. Introduction: Teaching grammar to users of English. In E. Hinkel, (Ed.), Teaching English Grammar to Speakers of Other Languages, (edited). Routledge (2016). Entries: Descriptive versus prescriptive grammar, Error analysis. In H. Nassaji, (Ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley, (2016, invited) (online, by subscription). Entry: Teaching speaking in integrated skills classes. In M. Christiansen, (Ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley, (2016, invited) (online, by subscription). Research on culture in language pedagogy and teacher education: An Overview. In P. Lucas & R. Rodrigues, (Eds.), Temas e Rumos Nas Pesquisas Em Linguística (Aplicada): Questões Empíricas, Éticas r Práticas, Volume 1. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Pontes Editores, (2015) 299-314. Culture and pragmatics in language teaching and learning. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. Brinton, & M. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 4th ed. Heinle & Heinle, (2014, invited) 394-408. Research findings on teaching grammar for academic writing, English Teaching, 68/4, (2013) 3-22. Cultures of learning and writing in the U.S. academy. In M. Cortazzi & J. Cortazzi (Eds.), Cultures of Learning. Palgrave-McMillan, (2013, invited) 21-35. Language teaching curricula. In J. Hattie & E. Anderman (Eds.), International Handbook of Student Achievement. Routledge, (2013, invited), 310-313. Innovative and efficient construction grammar. Selected Papers from the 21st International Symposium on English Teaching. English Teachers' Association, Republic of China (ETA-ROC), Taipei, (2012) 51-59. Entries: Cognitive code learning, Culture in second language learning, Learning to write in a second language. In N. Seel, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, (2012) 625-626, 882-885, and 2002-2004. Modern efficiency techniques applied to language teaching. Proceedings, 10th European Association of LSP (AELFE) Conference (La Investigación y la Enseñanza Aplicadas a las Lenguas de Especialidad y a la Tecnología). University of Valencia, (2011) 25-35. What research on second language writing tells us and what it doesn't. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 2, Routledge, (2011) pp 523-538. Introduction. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 2, Routledge, (2011) pp xii - xvii. Teaching culture in second and foreign language classrooms. In Interlingual Communication and Teaching Culture Proceedings, Sogang KLEC 20th Anniversary International Conference, Seoul, Korea, (2011) 19-33. Integrating the four skills: Current and historical perspectives. In R.B. Kaplan (Ed.), Oxford Handbook in Applied Linguistics, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press (2010, invited) 110-126. The effect of essay prompts and topics on the uses of modal verbs in L1 and L2 academic writing, Journal of Pragmatics 41/4, (2009) pp 667-683. Contrastive rhetoric. In U. Fix, A. Gardt, and J. Knape (Eds.), International Handbook of Historical and Systematic Research in Rhetoric and Stylistics, volume 2. Mouton de Gruyter, (2008, invited) 2014 - 2027. The role of output in form-focused writing instruction, (with Sandra Fotos). In S. Fotos & H. Nassaji (Eds.), Form-Focused Instruction and Teacher Education: Studies in Honour of Rod Ellis. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2007, invited) 225 - 237. Current perspectives on teaching the four skills. TESOL Quarterly Special 40th Anniversary Issue, 40/1, (2006, invited) 109-132. Classroom talk. In K. Brown (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd ed. (Pragmatics vol., ed. Jacob Mey) Elsevier, (2006, invited) 471 - 474. Analyses of L2 text and what can be learned from them. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2005) 615-628. Functions of personal examples and narratives in L1 and L2 academic prose. In D. Atkinson, W. Grabe, V. Ramanathan, & W. Eggington (Eds.), Studies in Applied Linguistics: English for Academic Purposes, Discourse Analysis, and Language Policy & Planning (Essays in Honor of Robert B Kaplan on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday). Multilingual Matters, (2005) 186 - 200. Hedging, inflating, and persuading in L2 academic writing. Applied Language Learning, 14/2, (2005) 29-54. Tense, aspect, and the passive voice in L1 and L2 academic texts. Language Teaching Research, 8/1,(2004) 5-29. Simplicity without elegance: Features of sentences in L1 and L2 academic texts. TESOL Quarterly, 37/2, (2003) 275-301. Adverbial markers and tone in L1 and L2 students' writing. Journal of Pragmatics, 35/7 (2003) 1049-1068. Expressions of L1 literacy in L2 writing. In D. Li (Ed.), Discourses in Search of Members: In Honor of Ron Scollon. University Press of America, (2002) 465-482. Teaching grammar in writing classes: Tenses and cohesion. In E. Hinkel and S. Fotos (Eds.), New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2002) 181-198. Why English passive is difficult to teach (and learn). In E. Hinkel and S. Fotos (Eds.), New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2002) 233-260. Giving examples and telling stories in academic essays. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 12/2, (2001) 149-170. Matters of cohesion in L2 academic texts. Applied Language Learning, 12/2, (2001) 111-132. Building awareness and practical skills for cross-cultural communication in ESL/EFL. In M. Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 3rd ed., Heinle & Heinle, (2001) 443-458. The goals and the politics of L2 writing instruction. TESOL Matters, June/July, (2000) 6. Soviet immigrants in the U.S.: Issues in adjustment. In S. McKay and S.-L. Wong (Eds.), New Immigrants in the United States. Cambridge University Press, (2000) 352-368. Objectivity and credibility in L1 and L2 academic writing. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Cambridge University Press, (1999) 90-108. Grammar teaching: Weighing fluency and accuracy, TESOL Matters, 8/6, (1998) 6. The past tense and temporal verb meanings in a contextual frame. TESOL Quarterly, 31/2, (1997) 289-314. Appropriateness of advice: DCT and multiple choice data. Applied Linguistics, 18/1, (1997) 1-26. Indirectness in L1 and L2 academic writing. Journal of Pragmatics, 27/3, (1997) 360-386. When in Rome: Evaluations of L2 pragmalinguistic behaviors. Journal of Pragmatics, 26/1, (1996) 51-70. What is applied linguistics for, and what does it do? TESOL Matters, 6/3, (1996) 6. The use of modal verbs as a reflection of cultural values. TESOL Quarterly, 29/2, (1995) 325-343. Appropriateness of advice as L2 solidarity strategy. RELC Journal, 25/2, (1994) 71-93. Pragmatics of interaction: Expressing thanks in a second language. Applied Language Learning, 5/1, (1994) 73-92. Native and nonnative speakers' pragmatic interpretation of English text. TESOL Quarterly, 28/2, (1994) 353-376. ESL students and common L2 conversation-making expressions. IDEAL, 7, (1994) 1-11. Topics appropriate in cross-cultural social conversations. Pragmatics and Language Learning, 5, (1993) 163-179. L2 tense and time reference. TESOL Quarterly, 26/3, (1992) 556-572. Evaluating course evaluation forms. Proceedings, First National Conference on Assessment for Learning: The Key to Excellence. Evanston, Illinois: National Louis University Press, (1990) 10-17. Book SeriesESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series, Founder and Editor, Routledge/Taylor & Francis. Over 90 books have been contracted or published, including:
Visit www.routledge.com/education for additional information on titles in the ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series. Articles in NewslettersLanguage teaching and construction grammar. Applied Linguistics Interest Section Newsletter, 31/2, 1, (2012). Register distinctions in teaching academic writing. Applied Linguistics Forum, 26/2, 3, (2006) Teacher, Teach Yourself: Recognizing L1 Metaphors in L2 Writing, Applied Linguistics Forum, 22/2, 2, (2002). Cultural competencies in the ESL/EFL classroom: A report from TESOL '95. Intensive English Programs Newsletter, 12/1, 6, (1995). ALIS Governance Rules. Applied Linguistics Forum, 15/1, 3-4, (1995). A call to action. Applied Linguistics Forum, 15/1, 7, (1995). |